Saturday, November 5, 2011


See…………William Lau……..pastor Carl Henderson in the Phillipines
Read 1 Cor 9 in the Amplified Bible
Paul buffeted his flesh, He disciplined his flesh, He dealt with his flesh harshly,,,,,,,,,,because he was afraid that,,,after preaching to others,,,,,,,,"I MYSELF MIGHT BECOME A CASTAWAY".
CASTAWAY = REPROBATE (same greek word)………means counterfeit, rejected, not approved
CHRIST crucified His flesh,,,,,,,Paul cucified his flesh daily,,,,,,,Paul died daily
William Lau said………you might have to fast to be powerful in the Spirit (healing the sick, casting out demons, diseases, preaching the Gospel)
Every day,,,,,we must REBUKE the flesh (our sinful desires)
We must invite the Spirit to fill us with His fruit and Gifts and Power,
Sin is a spirit,,,,,,,,
Every sin has a evil spirit (demon) with it,,,,,,,,,,every sin is a evil spirit
The more we sin,,,,,,,,the more power the demons have over us,
The more we repent,,,,,,the more power the HOLY SPIRIT gives us,
Every disease is deadly to my body,,,,,,Every demon is deadly to my spirit,,,,,,,demons and diseases are like cousins
We are in a great SPIRITUAL war,
We must win,,,,,or be defeated
We must pray,,,,,,,,or be defeated (see KNOWJESUSKNOWPEACE on youtube)
If I’m trying to fast,,,,,,,I REBUKE the spirit of selfishness, laziness, spiritual drowsiness, hunger headache,
If I’m tempted to masturbate,,,,,,,I REBUKE the spirit of sinful sexual lust, masturbation,
If I’m trying to lose weight,,,,,,,and get a hunger headache,,,,,,,,,I REBUKE the headache
We crave victory on the battlefield,,,,,,,,,we are in the LORD’s army,,,,,,,,,the LORD’s Name is at stake,,,,,,,,,,He must glorify His Name………..His Name can’t be trampled by the enemy………the LORD will excommunicate us from his army if we don’t fight,,,,,we must fight the good fight (2 Timothy 4)
The LORD protects His babies (immature christians),,,,,,,,,but He requires us to GROW UP TO MATURITY,,,,,,,,,He requires us to become mature soldiers,,,,,,,,,mature men,,,,,,,,men of POWER IN GOD’S SPIRIT………..we can do nothing without Christ’s Spirit
Whenever we feel weak,tempted,sinful,,,,,,,,,,we REBUKE the sin, evil spirits, demons,,,,,,,,,,,,and we invite the HOLY SPIRIT and all good spirits to help us, fellowship with us, fight with us,
CHRIST told us,,,,,,,"I will be with you forever!……..Ask and you will receive."
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to slay the giant Goliath!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to preach the Gospel with POWER!………healing the sick,,,,,,casting out devils
The last chapter of Mark says……….These SIGNS shall follow us:
We handle snakes (Casting out demons, devils)
We can drink any deadly poison with no harm (christians are protected from demons, demons’ lies and deceptions, occult, cults, heresies, hypnosis, sinful indoctrination, false beliefs, false philosophies, religions, etc),,,,,,,,,,,Jesus said: "My sheep know and hear My Voice, and they don’t follow another’s voice"
IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST:,,,,,,,daily commands………daily calls for reinforcements:
I REBUKE all temptations, sins, demons, evil spirits, sinful soul ties, curses, diseases in me, my family, neighbors, the world
I REBUKE all generational curses, all the way back to adam and eve,
I CONFESS AND REPENT of all sin, known and unknown, in me, my family, neighbors, nation, and world
I REBUKE AND HEAL my High Blood Pressure, Papiledema, Kidney Disease, loss of 20/20 vision, athlete’s foot, fungus infection, ear problem, obesity, balding, old age, feebleness, drowsiness, laziness, selfishness, sexual sin, nose itching, unforgiveness,
I ASK the HOLY SPIRIT OF CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD to walk and talk with me,,,,fellowship with me,,,,,,fill me with the Spirit,,,,baptize me with the Spirit,,,,fill me with the Gifts and Fruit of the Spirit,,,,,,,,,help me to fight in the LORD’s battle,,,,,,,,preach the Gospel of Christ,,,,,,,heal the sick,,,,,,,cast out demons,,,,,,,with SIGNS AND WONDERS following me
I CONFESS that I can do nothing without Christ,,,,,,,,,Christ can do all things except sin,,,,,,,,I can do nothing,,,,,,,,all Glory goes to Christ,,,,,,,,I am Christ’s slave
I AGREE with CHRIST that He gave Christians the authority to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and cast out demons………And He commanded us to go forth to do these SIGNS AND WONDERS that sinners will be evangelized.,,,and God, help us to do this
I ASK CHRIST to send His Spirit to help me edify the Church,,,,,,fellowship with believers,,,,,,,confound the evil spirits and their operations,,,,,,,,set the captives free, feed the hungry,,,,,,,,,help the poor
I PRAY for the Church,,,,,,,the presecuted Church,,,,,,,,the apostate church,,,,,,Israel nation,,,,,,,Jews,,,,,,our leaders, govt, family, neighbors,
I PRAY TO INVITE the army of the LORD to help me today,,,,,,,to do the LORD’s Will
I PRAY for the LORD to guide me, lead me, Shepherd me, ,,,,,,,to make me to do His Will today
I pray in the NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,,,,,and I plead His SHED BLOOD ON CALVARY, amen


  1. Thank you so much for this word of encouragement and exhortation. It was just what I needed to hear today. There is so little of this type of exhortation in the body of Christ.
    I hear so much that the gifts and the power in Jesus' name is not for today. I have even come across a very popular Christian site that says that even revivals are not for today. The blog owner makes everyone think that anything supernatural is demonic.I was very discouraged because this blog is having so much influence on young Christians, but your words here have blessed me, to realise that there are still those who *believe*.
    I'm sure the blog owner is saved, but is just firmly against anything supernatural.

    Anyway, thanks again, it felt so good to read this and I can feel my faith being strengthened by the truth written here. God Bless you

  2. thanks, Gerie
    for your encouragement,
    and fellowship in the Spirit
    super-blessings to you and yours!

  3. Thanks again to YOU, Dennis! The Lord has used your blog to open my eyes to so many more things. Things I didn't know before but that I know now because of your writings and also because of the other sites that you have recommended. I would have never known about those sites and all of the teachings that are there if it wasn't for the work you are doing here. And then those other sites have led me to others and others.
    Dennis, our Father is SO wonderful He has provided everything we need, I love Him SO much.
    I can never thank YOU enough Dennis, I feel that a whole new world is opened up to me because our Father has led me here. May the Lord richly bless you for your faithfulness

    I do some blogging at this link.
    The forum is broken by hackers,,,,I was a Moderator, and (for some reason?), Dean Coombs allows me to continue posting on his (closed) forum


    you are one of the extremely FEW people who have recieved my info with Joy

    You are one in a million

    almost everyone i speak to, rejects this info

    which is a SIGN that we are in a great APOSTACY!

    we are like the Prophets of old,,,,,,everyone hated the Message from the Prophets,,,,,because Israel was in apostacy


    I expect to be martyred any minute now (half-joking)

